How the blondies meet?

We actually worked together for 2 years in multifamily management and were fast friends. We dated undercover while at work for a year! My name was a secret name saved in his phone. :)

WHy Nacho AVG BLONdies?

Truth be told I LOVE NACHOS!!! I mean they are all of the food groups piled on top of a chip! What’s not to love?? I remember sitting at an happy hour with a girlfriend and she was like what about Nachos as we looked at my plate!! That paired with the off the path travels and the not so average lifestyle we live..Nacho Avg Blondies was born! Thanks Kelly! :)

WHy did we choose to start blogging?

It really happened organically. We try to travel to places off of the path and always look to try new restaurants and hotels. People would often ask us for details on what to do our where to go for their trips. We figured why not share our journeys??? I never expected it to turn into a possible career. To do what we love and experience the world is the true dream for us!

What is our FAVORITE Travel destination?

This is always asked and a very hard one as each destination offers different things I love. It’s also tricky because we seldom chose to revisit anywhere because there is just so many places to explore and so little time! If I had to pick it would be anything tropical for sure but to be honest I absolutely fell in love with Iceland!! It was actually not expensive to travel to and it felt like we landed on MARS! The terrain was breathtaking. Waterfalls that made the ground shake!



Who takes our photos?

We get asked this ALL the time! It’s funny because it started with me bugging the other blondie to take my picture all the time. Then Brian started to look into nicer cameras and it turned into a creative outlet for him! He loves it now and takes all of our pics! We use a tripod and a the phone app to take the ones of us both. Lots of practice with lighting and angles and several photography classes later he has curated an amazing talent in it and I’m no longer the girl wining to take my picture… at least not some of the time! LOL!

What equipment do we use?

We love our DSLR Cannon 6DMarkii. The camera was a game changer for us! My favorite lens is the Sigma 20mm Wide Angle Prime. It makes me appear tall as I’m only 5ft2in, anything helps!

How do we connect with different brands?

We are pretty much always planning a vacation or organizing something fun. When we land on something that is intriguing we reach out to the marketing contact and send over a media kit to possibly collaborate. Being in sales for so many years the fear of asking has never been an issue for either of us. I always tell people it’s the law of numbers the more connections you try to make the more will stick. No matter the size of your following. As long as you stay true to your brand you will land the deals that match!